Nutrition Wise Palm Beach Gardens

I offer nutrition counseling that helps individuals make confident food choices.

  • Weight Management
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Digestive Health/IBS/FODMAPs
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Women's health including pregnancy and lactation, gestational diabetes, menopause
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Health
  • Healthy Eating for Teens, Adults, Seniors

Speaking Engagements

Sandy is available for speaking engagements on health and wellness.
Contact Sandy for more detailed information.

  • Do you feel like you have a slow Metabolism?

    Ask about "Metabolism Testing". The test takes about 10 minutes in the office and is extremely helpful for athletes, individuals who exercise regularly, or those ready to embark on an exercise program.
    >> read more

  • ````````````````````````````````

    If you live in Palm Beach County and are looking for a Palm Beach Gardens Nutritionist, Jupiter Nutritionist or a West Palm Beach dietitian, then call for a consultation today 561.371.5105


One on One Consultation

At an initial visit, Sandy will conduct a detailed diet history to discuss eating habits, life schedule, previous diets, medical history, and food likes/dislikes. Based on the diet history, Sandy creates an eating plan with sample menus. Emphasis is placed on the positives, discussing foods that should be included rather than stressing foods to avoid.

3 Month Weight Management Package

During these three months, clients learn about:
Distributing carbohydrates, protein and fat
Exercise - what kind and how much
How to make good food choices when pressed for time
Managing vacations and holidays
What to select at restaurants
Interpreting food labels
Selecting healthy recipes that are quick and easy
And much, much more

Metabolism Testing

The only way to know just how many calories your body needs is through metabolism testing. ReeVue™ measures the oxygen that the body consumes. Using this measurement, the test provides clients with their resting metabolic rate (RMR). The RMR is the number of calories one utilizes in a 24 hour period at rest. This number is used to show you exactly how many calories are needed to maintain your weight or even lose weight! This test, which takes ten minutes in the office, is extremely helpful for athletes, individuals who exercise regularly, or those ready to embark on an exercise program. It has been shown to be invaluable as well for those who feel like they know how much they should eat but can't seem to lose weight.

Online Weight Loss Coaching

Sandy offers weight loss coaching to anyone in the United States with the convenience of online coaching. Call 561.371.5105 for more information.


Worksite Wellness Services

Sandy brings professional, fun, and interactive wellness programs to the workplace. Attendees come away from sessions with new information that can be applied in everyday living that enhance wellbeing.

Programs include:

Lunch & Learn Seminars

  • Everything You Wanted to Know about Nutrition
    but Were Afraid to Ask
  • Weight Loss Strategies for Success
  • Heart Health - Don't forget the Chocolate
  • Eating Healthy in a Hurry
  • Energy Boosters
  • Holiday Eating - Maintain Don't Gain
    And more…

Weight loss challenges/group weight loss classes

One on one consultations

Special projects

  • Cafeteria hints to encourage healthy eating
  • Eating tips for traveling employees
  • Family fun for Bring Your Child to Work Day

Miami Marlins – Jupiter ~ NCCI ~ Palm Beach County Clerk and Comptrollers Office ~ Lockheed Martin ~ United Behavioral Health
The Breakers ~ PGA National Resort & Spa ~ Palm Beach Weight and Wellness ~ Palm Beach Research Center
Team in Training ~ The Gardens Fashion Camp ~ Scripps Florida ~ BallenIsles

About Me

Sandy is a registered dietitian & licensed nutritionist serving the Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, and West Palm Beach areas. She is licensed in the state of Florida. Sandy has been providing one on one counseling and nutrition education classes at her Palm Beach Gardens location since 1997. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Palm Beach Dietetic Association. Sandy is also a member of the Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition (SCAN) and Nutrition Entrepreneur (NE) subgroups of the AND. Sandy graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics and received a Master of Education degree from Temple University in Educational Media.


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