I Want to Lose 3 Dress Sizes in 4 Months

I've mentioned before that during my pregnancy I thought that I would 'bounce back' post-pregnancy and although some people can do that, I was sadly not one. No matter how fit I was beforehand or how much I exercised (which was a lot) the pregnancy definitely took its toll and instead of my pre-pregnancy size 8 self, after I gave birth I was a size 16. Not something I was happy with at all. I've always worked hard for my size 8 body and although there's nothing wrong with anyone being any size they want to be, I am at my happiest as a size 8 and personally don't like being any other size. I hated being a size 16 and so as we're now 8 months into my post-natal fitness journey and 11 months into Madison's life I thought I'd let you all in on the secret (not so secret) of how I lost 3 dress sizes in just 8 months.

post-natal fitness

The start of my post-natal fitness

If you read my original post-natal fitness blog post you'll know that I was signed off by the doctor at 4 weeks post-partum and I was really excited to get back into exercising. I started off with Results with Bump, a 12 week programme to re-introduce my body to exercise and re-strengthen myself. I completed this during October and November and then intertwined the last few weeks of RwB with Results with Lucy New Beginnings during the start of December. I used these first 2 and a bit months as a way to re-gain my strength and not really focus on losing weight – obviously that was the main goal but I was very much aware of what my body had been through and that I needed to slowly ease myself back in.

Aiming for the holiday

Just after Madison was born we booked a holiday for the end of March to visit Steve's brother and sister-in-law in Cyprus to coincide with the twin's 30th birthday and I set it as one of my first goals to drop a dress size or two. I really started to eat better (as well as I can with a full on love for carbs and chocolate) and kicked up my workouts a gear. I started working out 3-4 times a week where I could including getting back into my Thursday night circuits class and completing 2/3 Results with Lucy Wobble to Model workouts at home. It was tough and as Madison was getting older and a little more mobile (she started crawling when we were in Cyprus) but I got them done and with the help of my wonderful Mummy, I was also able to pop to the gym a couple of times too!

My post-natal fitness journey was well and truly kick started in December and by the time I was in Cyprus in March, 4 months later, I'd losttwo dress sizes! I didn't even realise until I was shopping with Emily and tried on a pair of size 12 jeans in Zara and they fit like and absolute dream.

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The size 10 goal for Madison's 1st birthday

When I finally realised that my body definitely wouldn't be bouncing back after growing a tiny human in it for 9 months, I decided to set myself a realistic goal for when I wanted to get back down to a size 8. I know that with losing weight the last bit is always the hardest to lose so I decided to set myself two goals. The first being to get down to a size 10 by my daughter's first birthday and the second to get back down to a comfortable size 8 (chaffing thighs and pouchy belly be gone) by the time she was 18 months old. It seems like a drastic difference in time frames, 9 months for 3 dress sizes and 6 months for 1, but I'm definitely wanting to be realistic with my goals and for me, I know this is a time frame I'm likely to be able to stick to. In fact, as by the title of this blog post, you'll know that I've actually already managed to lose my 3 dress sizes and with a month to spare, I'm pretty damn happy with that!

Why I don't weigh myself

By reading this blog post you're probably thinking "Wow! she's managed to lose so much weight" and you'd be right to think I've lost body fat, but when I tell you that I don't really weigh myself or careat all what the scales say, you'll know from this, that I've been telling the truth all along. On January 1st 2018 I weighed12st 4oz and now on August 1st 2018 I weigh 11st 1ozwhich is only a loss of1st 3oz– it's a number that I know most people would really fret over and criticise themselves about but for me, I honestlydo not care. For me, it's all about how I look and feel and dropping 3 dress sizes in 8 months is a pretty freaking big deal and something I'm hugely proud of. So what? I weigh roughly the same as I did after giving birth, I couldn't fit in a size 14 then let alone a size 10! I'm happier with my body and can see some massive improvements (and hopefully you can in the two images below also) and that's all that matters to me!

So, What now for my post-natal fitness?

I think as far as post-natal fitness is concerned I think I'm coming to the end of the time where I can call it 'post-natal fitness', for me now it's just regular old fitness and I'm so proud of how far I've come in the last year. I do still want to get back down to a size 8 as for me, personally, that's where I feel most comfortable and you know, not having the chub rub on my thighs every time they're bare besties would be F.A.B! I'm happier as a size 10 but a size 8 is really where I would like to be. To get back there I'll be focusing mostly on my food and my diet as that is 100% where abs are brought to life and thighs are shredded, but I'll also be focusing on my abs as a key area for exercise. I'll be popping another post up in a few days on my favourite five for dropping the tummy flab and enhancing your abs so make sure you keep an eye out for that one by following me on Instagram or liking my blog page on Facebook!

How has your post-natal fitness journey turned out? Are you expecting soon and looking for a plan to help you lose the baby weight? You can find lots of information about the post-natal fitness plan I followed from Results with Bump here!

post-natal fitness


Source: https://www.bekylou.com/2018/08/post-natal-fitness-lost-3-dress-sizes.html

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