Do We Need Art in Our Lives Do We Need Art in Our Lives Debate
Kickoff, What IS Art?
I'm thrilled you're diving into the inquiry of why art is important! Earlier nosotros respond that question, however, it is essential to ascertain a central term: what does "fine art" fifty-fifty mean?

"Art" can be divers every bit anything made by man creativity and skill for the purpose of expressing or eliciting emotional response through dazzler or imagination. Though art Can exist functional, its main purpose is bear on. See more definitions of "art" here, here, and (very complexly, with the help of Plato and Stanford) hither.
Visual art tin be a mural on a city building, a famed sculpture in a museum, a photo snapped with a smartphone, or a scribbled crayon drawing by a child. It can also be eccentric style, makeup blueprint, flower arranging, architecture, interior blueprint, and crochet.
When we aggrandize beyond visual art, nosotros see fine art pop upward as music, dramatic plays, trip the light fantastic, Goggle box or movies, and offbeat street performances. Art is written poetry and prose, casually uttered similes and metaphors, and flavor combinations or plating of food. It is calligraphy, landscape design, and woodwork. Fine art is everywhere — and sometimes information technology'south even adventitious!
Then where do we draw the line almost what is and isn't art? In short: Your eye will know what is art... and what Y'all come across equally art may not be match with what others see — but you both tin can be right. The key to what makes something art are two elements: creativity, and emotional bear upon.

The Importance of Public Fine art
Now that we've divers fine art, permit's examine: why is art important? A clear example to offset with is public art in cities. If yous've e'er walked through a drab city with boring compages and grayness walls — then suddenly turned a corner to see a rainbow-colored landscape, y'all already know why public art is so important: that landscape makes you take hold of a blithesome breath and remember the dazzler in life!
Public art wakes us upwardly from the boredom of everyday functionality. Vivid colors on external walls of buildings (like these in Willemstad, CuraƧao) remind us of how vibrant the world is and make us smile. For gorgeous examples of public murals in my hometown of Boston, check out the murals of ProBlak and Marka27.
Every bit a reminder that street art is merely equally impactful and important every bit framed "masterpiece" paintings, Boston's Museum of Fine Arts is partnering with ProBlak to create a stunning mural on the outer wall of Madison Park Loftier School. Beingness around art has a singled-out affect on one'southward mood, and every student who walks through the doors of that schoolhouse will now get the mural's magic.
Fine art Helps Us Understand Where Nosotros Are
At the intersection of public fine art and marketing sit artistic installations that aid people embrace the history and spirit of a place. A beautiful instance of this was the "Yr of the Dog" interactive sculpture in Boston's Chinatown created by my college classmate, the phenomenal Risa Puno.
With this sculpture, visitors could turn blocks to create poetic stories using English and Chinese words. This installation helped people improve empathize the history and context of that neighborhood of Boston, and to feel continued as they reached out and touched the words.
In addition to helping locate u.s. in infinite, public art can locate us in time, charting out new paths for movements, and encouraging progress, foreshadowing a better future. Artist Kehinde Wiley is brilliant at this, juxtaposing onetime Eurocentric images with dynamic new ones featuring African-American men. His statue, "Rumors of War," is a perfect instance of this, reimagining a Amalgamated soldier atop his horse as a powerful young Black man with dreadlocks.

Why Is Looking At Art Important?
Why is it beneficial to feast your eyes (or ears) on art? Why practice people pay high ticket prices for museums, concerts, and performances? Why do humans drive or fly for hours to encounter the visual beauty of a famous building? Emotional impact and an expansion of what's possible.
The Emotional Impact of Art
When many of us look at or listen to fine art, we do it considering we want to FEEL something. Nosotros want to experience awe while gazing at the Taj Mahal, sob every bit we sing along to Hamilton, or have our breath taken away by "The Thinker."
We desire to feel the calm happiness of standing in the middle of a pastel rainbow row of buildings like the famous ones in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, or feel the longing of watching a ballerina's muscular leap into the air. Art is important to society because information technology elicits emotions in a way that'south both safe and cleansing. It feels a lot amend to read almost a painful apology in a cartoon than practice it in real life!
Art Expands What is Possible
When gazing at a painting by Frida Kahlo, for case, or reading the young adult fiction of Jason Reynolds, nosotros can stride outside of our normal lives to frolic with animals, see inside the brain of someone of a totally different background, or fifty-fifty wing into the air. An essential purpose of art is to brand us reexamine our world from fresh perspectives.
A great instance of this is the Boston operation artist, Tory Bullock. He uses humor, film, and interactive installations to highlight important truths about our city and country to spur alter. For example, he created the life-sized "Gentrification Game" for people to play in order to experience some of the furnishings of skyrocketing housing prices.

Creating Art Helps Us Feel Amend
It'south non only looking at fine art that improves our lives — art is also important considering CREATING information technology helps our mood, soul, and sense of efficacy. Feeling bored? Doing fine art is a never-ending journey you can always go dorsum to. Feeling lonely? Fine art communities permit you lot to connect with others through sharing works in progress.
Feeling down on yourself? Effort pays off in art, and you'll feel a great sense of achievement equally you practice skills, follow tutorials, experiment, and get improve and ameliorate. Feeling trapped? Creating something new through imagination and art prompts unleashes the spirit and creates feelings of freedom. At that place's lots more near all this in the commodity, "eight Benefits of Drawing!"
The Importance of Art in Educational activity
Given that art creates happiness, promise, flair, and a deeper understanding of the world, it'due south clear that it deserves a cardinal identify in didactics. For many years, schools were cutting art, music, and concrete pedagogy programs — until they started realizing the scientific discipline and evidence that art helps students learn ALL subjects. Fine art fifty-fifty helps teach how to live a good life! (For more on inventiveness in pedagogy, encounter "Why is School Important?")

Art is Worth Funding
If nosotros are now convinced that art is important, this brings us to a discussion of funding. Murals don't magically appear on walls — they demand to be paid for! Theatre doesn't pop up from nothingness — it costs money to make! Art teachers aren't robots — they need paychecks to survive! And so why has it seemed for then many years that art is expendable, and that its funding can exist cut at the smallest sign of upkeep tightness?
Luckily, cities and organizations are starting to see that art is essential to our commonage wellness, and are creating fellowships, campaigns, and plans to keep creativity going.
For example, Boston now grants a ready of artist fellowships each yr to expand their work, such as the hilarious and insightful Pineapple Diaries web series by Paloma Valenzuela. Meanwhile, Artists for Humanity PAYS teens to create art and mentor others, and the Fundamental Square Landscape Project in Cambridge, MA raised money to comprehend the town in beautiful paintings, including some by the phenomenal Silvia Lopez-Chavez. Allow us continue to support and fund art in all parts of our earth — from schools, to streets, to stages!
The Answer to Why Fine art Matters
To definitively answer why art is important, imagine a world with NO art. This is near impossible do to since art permeates every aspect of our lives — even popping up when people are trying to squash it. Merely one thing is clear: A world without fine art would hardly be a homo world. In fact it would be pretty awful.
Fine art is important because information technology helps us feel free, refreshed, and exhilarated! It allows us come across new perspectives on our world, our emotions and our possible futures. Art guides usa on powerful journeys in ways that are oftentimes safer than existent life, but which tin impact our real lives positively yet. Fine art brings the states through richly imagined scenes and emotions that expand us. Long alive colour, imagination, and creativity!
VIDEO: Why is Art Of import?
Why Do YOU Think Art is Important?
So what has YOUR experience been with the importance of fine art to society and to individuals? Has there been a work of art — in a museum, landscape, or mall — which has impacted you? Has making art, either in school or on your own, made a difference for you? Have you seen skillful examples of how to support artistic cosmos? Do share!
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The author and creative person, Lillie Marshall, is a National Board Certified Teacher of English and female parent of two who has been a public school educator since 2003. All art on this site is original and hand-drawn by Lillie. She launched Educational Cartoons in 2020, building upon the success of her other two sites, (established 2009) and (founded 2010). Subscribe to Lillie's monthly newsletter, and follow @WorldLillie on social media to stay connected!
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